Wells Hall offers a Breakfast Club every week day. We have 2 options for drop off sessions:
- 7.45am drop off – £3.50
- 8.00am drop off -£3.00
Children can choose from cereal or toast and a choice of drink.
Wells Hall also offers an After School Club every week day. We have 3 options for sessions:
- 4.30pm pick up – £4.00
- 5.30pm pick up – £8.00
- 6.00pm pick up – £9.00
The children will all be given a snack and a drink initially, those staying until 5.30pm will then be given a more substantial snack and more drinks after 4.30pm.
Please call the office to book the sessions you require for Breakfast and After School Club.
Both of these clubs are run by Wells Hall staff known to the children.