Wells Hall Primary School

Pastoral Support

At Wells Hall, we recognise that there are a number of factors that can have a detrimental impact on a pupil’s readiness to learn. 

With this in mind, we are committed to identifying potential barriers and working together with families to remove these. 

We have a large and internal ‘early help’ offer which we hope will be able to support your child/family through times of need. 

Where our school offer is not enough to meet the child’s identified needs, we have a range of external partners that we can refer to.

One thing we are certain of is that we will do our best to support you if you need help so, please do just ask. 

A member of the pastoral team will always be happy to discuss your options with you.  We are in this together! 

Staff members

Family Support Worker: Kelly Johnson

ELSA Support Staff: Miss Johnson, Mrs Howard, Mrs McDonald, Mrs Rivett

Thrive Support Staff: Mrs Isom, Mrs Spooner

Play Therapist: Mrs Aaron